Take-5: Pride Month
Let’s crack out the Rainbow Flag and celebrate Pride.
Okay, we’ll cop to it. Pride in June is a very… American thing. Not surprising given its Stonewall riots origins, but it’s spread to tons of other places since 1970. So we’ll just roll with that and celebrate Pride as much as we’re able to here in Hong Kong. June Pride’s not really a thing in Asia’s World City. Rightly so; it’s too hot (as of this writing there’s an event in November). But that doesn’t mean we can’t all get behind our LGBTQIA+ brothers, sisters and comrades now, and throw some support their way – be that with real cash money or simply taking a minute to 1) admit they’re queer and here and get used to it, to be super-’80s about it, and 2) consume some LGBTQIA+ culture and acknowledge what that means. For the cis-hets out there, just because “you” would never not hire a gay dude or rent a flat to a trans woman doesn’t mean others would respect those basic rights, and so if you feel the need to defend yourself, please don’t: Pride’s not about you. But you’re welcome to join in.
Call Me Al
| Location: G/F 123 Queen’s Road West, Sheung Wan |
What?: Neighbourhood watering hole/restaurant
Okay, we’ll admit it. We’d be fine not hearing Paul Simon warble “You Can Call Me Al” almost every time we hit the bar named after it, but there’s a story there so we’ll let it slide. If you become a regular – which Al’s tables are loaded with – the women partners and partners who run the comfortable, casual, welcoming restobar might tell you about it. Call Me Al was a much-needed additon to the barren stretch of Queen’s Road just before Sai Ying Pun station when it opened under the newish Weave a year ago, and it’s earned a “Meet you at Al’s” shorthand in record time. Unfussy comfort food, an evolving wine list, great cocktails, pet-friendly, wide open windows… What more do you need? Oh, did we mention welcoming and judgement-free?
Instagram: callmealhk; callmealhk.com
Videotage: Both Sides Now 8
| Location: Cattle Depot Artist Village, 63 Ma Tau Kok Road, To Kwa Wan |
What?: Screening and artist residency
Videotage is celebrating Pride with Both Sides Now 8 | 彼岸觀自在VIII, a programme of moving image work by artists and filmmakers from hither and tither, all exploring queer real and virtual spaces, how they might be made a bit more queer, and how we make them a bit more queer. Curated by Videotage and videoclub, the roster includes films by Robert Yang, Kit Griffiths, Megan Watson, and Wang Jun-jieh (Passion, pictured), and if you miss the show at Eaton HK (more on that in a hot sec) on the 17th, Videotage is running online screenings June 19-25. The residency, Leave Your Body, welcomes Bassam Issa and Su Hui-yu & XTRUX.
Sean Tao Creative Studio
| Location: Hong Kong |
What?: Design services
Stop right there. We know what you’re thinking. No! This ain’t no Queer Eye for the Hong Kong Guy moment. But if you’re a small retailer – or a big one – or you just got your first office or flat and you need direction, Tao’s your guy. Tao’s worked with tonychi studios and Thom Filicia Inc, and has left a mark in the USA, Canada, the UK, Denmark and China, and his down-to-earth, slightly irreverent, design-for-everyone attitude makes him something of a sculptor as much as a designer, as evidenced by his popular 5-/10-/20-hour consultation packages. Sit down with him, shoot the shit for a while, and come out with a better grasp of your own aesthetic, message, brand or story, and how to execute it – the aesthetic you were absolutely sure you “got,” but really didn’t. And with a 20-hour limit (which most people extend) and respect for whatever your budget is, there’s always a light at the end of the contractor tunnel.
eaton HK: It’s Morphing time
| Where: 308 Nathan Road |
What?: Month-long Pride programme
Since it rebranded itself as a community and culture-focused hotel destination, Eaton HK has put its money where its mouth is. Now thru July 22, the Nathan Road hotel’s funkier meeting and event spaces are going to be home to It's Morphing Time | 酷變時間 and become a hub of queer programming, from screenings and workshops, to performances and parties (like Night of the Living Monsters, with Yi Hao, pictured). Eaton is also partnering with the Diversity Games Hong Kong, The Hong Kong Coalition of AIDS Services Organizations, Queer Straight Alliance, Shimai Tribe, the UNHCR among others, and also raising funds for Midnight Blue and Butterfly – all of it aimed at rejecting binary thinking and embracing diversity and inclusivity. There’s also a Love is Love Staycation package. It’s a hotel. Did you think there’d be no room pitch?
Gay Games 11 HOng Kong 2023
| Location: Hong Kong |
What?: Global sport competition
Asia’s first Gay Games is set for November 3-11, 2023 in Hong Kong – with Guadalajara, Mexico a back-up/co-host thanks to the ’Rona. Things are dicey right now, given the zero government venue support, the Hong Kong Football Club dumping the event, constant threats, and GG organisers claiming low participant registration. Guadalajara is prepped and ready to take all the action if the SAR proves too homophobic, er, I mean uninterested. Is it a perfect situation? No. Still, maybe cough up a few bucks for an LGBTQ+ running/swimming/dragon boating/fencing pal who’s short of cash and get their asses registered – or sign up yourself: it’s “Games for all.” Let’s make this happen, people.