Now showing around town… maybe streaming.
Wait… What?
Strange Darling runs the cat-and-mouse serial killer genre through a sexual politics blender. It’s fabulous.
On Your ‘Mark’
Here’s something you don’t see everyday: the Canuck immigration tale. Behold, Fresh Off Markham.
Reality Bites
Love in the Big City will make you want a do-over with your best LGBTQ+ pal.
Orange Juice
Gird yourself for the next four years with Ali Abbasi’s 47 origin story, The Apprentice.
Panty Twist
Yes, we’re all into The Last Dance but Riley Yip’s Blossoms Under Somewhere really deserves a look.
Ready for a Close-up
Dayo Wong continues his Robin Williams trajectory in Anselm Chan’s The Last Dance.
Best Intentions
If you've got a 10-year-old that needs a history lesson, White Bird: A Wonder Story is that lesson.
Room to Grow
Kudos. Sean Wang's Didi in Didi is one of the movie's most insufferable kids ever.
Beauty is a Beast
The Substance is angry, cathartic, "Fuck you" filmmaking of the best kind and Demi Moore is a treasure.
What Price Art?
Stunt twins Albert and Herbert Leung travel back to the bad ol' days of Hong Kong action in Stuntman.
Ride or Die
Austin Butler certainly makes The Bikeriders look cool – or maybe it's the other way around.
No-Sheep Zone
Don't know anything about Mongolian cinema? Lkhagvadulam Purev-Ochir’s City of Wind is a good place to start.